Your Home On The Water
Abbey Marina Yacht ClubReciprocity Rules
AMYC extends reciprocal privileges to Yacht Club members of clubs that allow the same privileges to our members.
A Visiting Yachtsmen is any individual whose residence, business, or Yacht Club lies outside a seventy (70) mile radius of our facility and is a verified member of a yacht club that enjoys reciprocity within the club.
Visiting Yachtsmen must present either their current Club membership card or a letter of introduction from their Club.
Once reciprocity is verified, Reciprocal Members may use the facilities for 4 single-day visits throughout the season Memorial Day through Labor Day.

Visiting Yachtsmen must present their credit card guaranteeing payment of any charges incurred while onsite.
Visiting Yachtsmen may charge Grill, bar, and clothing and shall pay at the time of purchase by credit card. AMYC does not bill back to the reciprocal member’s home Club.
AMYC reserves the right to restrict and to regulate this privilege.
Visiting Yachtsmen shall be responsible for the observance of State and local law and rules and regulations of the AMYC by themselves and their guests. Failure to observe such laws, rules and regulations may result in loss of club privileges which shall be at the sole discretion of The Harbormaster.
Membership at the AMYC includes the privilege of visiting other clubs that recognize AMYC as a Reciprocal Club. It is advisable that the AMYC Member contact any club they plan to visit in advance. AMYC Members who charge at Reciprocal Clubs must pay at the time of purchase.